A Very Important Teapot by Steve Sheppard
The book is a fast-paced comedy spy thriller set largely in Australia. If you like non-stop action, lots of laughs, relatable characters, great dialogue and a satisfying ending, this is the book for you. It may help to solve the odd Christmas present conundrum too.
Annual Box Collection for The Children’s Society, 2019
Our annual collection this year raised £762.80. A huge thank you to all those kind people who keep collecting boxes in their homes or put money in our box in the Surgery. We are also given a generous donation from the ladies who make the cards held in the library/Vesey Room.
Bampton Classical Opera Christmas Concert

Parish Council Update
Brand-new luxury development for over 55s officially launches in Bampton
Blue Cedar Homes, a leading developer of quality new homes for over 55s, has officially launched Tannery Gardens, a collection of new homes in the picturesque town of Bampton. At the launch event held on Thursday 17 October, discerning home buyers gathered at Witney Lakes Resort in Oxfordshire to get a first glimpse at the brand-new, much-anticipated development, which is now available to reserve.
December Church Services
15th December, 6pm - Shifford Candlelit Carol Service
16th December, 5.30pm - Clanfield walking nativity (starting at the church)
16th December, 6.30pm - Carols around the tree - Clanfield Carter Institute.
16th December, 7pm - Bampton walking nativity (starting at the church)
17th December, 7.30pm - Lew Christmas Carol Service
20th December, 6pm - Clanfield Carol Service
21st December - 7.30pm St Benowalds Concert
22nd December, 10.45am - Bampton Family Carol Service
22nd December, 6.30pm - Bampton Traditional Carol Service - Ecumenical
24th December, 3pm - Bampton Welcome to Christmas
24th December, 6pm - Aston Carol Service
24th December, 11.30pm - Midnight Mass Bampton
24th December, 11.30pm - Midnight Mass Clanfield
25th December, 8am - BCP Holy Communion at Bampton
25th December, 9.30am - Aston Christmas Communion - Ecumenical
25th December, 10.45am - Bampton Christmas Communion
29th December, 10.30am - United Parish Service, Clanfield
Bampton Archive
Following a great deal of hard work by members of Bampton Community Archive and the unbounded support and co-operation from the Bampton Exhibition Foundation we are delighted to announce that our tenancy of the Vesey Room and the top floor of the library building is now official. This allows us to finish the restoration work we started with the re-roofing by replacing the staircase and completing the walls and floors of the top floor. We are still in need of large sums to fit out the Vesey Room and the upstairs area but our new security of tenure has made it much easier to raise what we need. All this has been greatly helped by the number of visitors we have had over the years, and we feel sure that the completed project will be a huge asset to Bampton village. We are determined that the building work should take place during the forthcoming quiet season. Thank you all for your support.
Once again, this year I had the honour of presenting the prizes at the Bampton Annual Horticulture Show and I was amazed at the number of youngsters who not only took part, but were among the prize winners. It was reassuring to know that there are young people about who realise that if you want to eat, you need to know how to grow food and that you can’t thrive on playing with mobile phones and electronic gadgets all your life. There is a lovely motto in life that can be learnt from gardening. ‘What you sow – so shall you reap!’ Now here’s a lovely thought for us ‘oldies’. Do you think that the school authorities should bring Gardening and Domestic Science back into the school curriculum? Nowadays it would have to be unisex as opposed to Cooking for the girls and Gardening for the boys as in our day. I am sure that there would be less food waste and even less plastic used. Now, where did I put those Kilner Jars?
St Mary's Church
More news on the Organ…
In September, the churches application to the Diocese Advisory Committee (the DAC) for our pipe organ, which is currently in renovation, to be platform mounted in the south transept was rejected; due to the size and presence of the organ platform, linked with the archaeological difficulties envisaged in the necessary floor excavation.
A church and community public meeting to communicate this decision and explore other options was held on 30 September at St Marys. The history of the renovation, chronicling the bankruptcy of the organ renovator and the rescue of the components and their final transfer to the current organ renovator, Cousans Organs Ltd. was explained in detail.
Bampton Gardening Club Update
To ensure the continuation of the club we would therefore like to encourage more people to think about joining the club or coming on the committee. Committee membership is not too time consuming – we organise coffee mornings on eight Saturdays a year (see dates for 2020 Below), but our main focus is the Annual Garden Club Show, held on August Bank Holiday Saturday. Anybody interested, please contact Richard West as soon as possible (01993 778414)
Loss inspires Community Spirit
When father-of-four, Vince Grove, died in the summer of 2018, following a cancer diagnosis just four months before, his family was, understandably, devastated. Each family member followed their own painful pathway of grief, not knowing where it would lead nor how it would ease, or if it would ever end.
2019 brought with it a determination to honour Vince’s memory in a positive way. Sam Grove, Vince and Karen’s son, had the idea to stage a Charity Angling Contest in remembrance of his father. Vince Grove had been a life-long, keen angler so this had seemed to be to be a very appropriate event by which the family could remember Vince, while at the same time do something positive for other families who could find themselves in similar situations.
Bampton-in-the Bush Cricket Club Junior Section
This year the Library team organised a very successful village wide Garage Sale with 44 garage sales around the village. The weather stayed kind and a total of over £800 was raised.
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge, “Space Chase”, ran from 13th July to 14th September. 67 children took part in the challenge in Bampton reading up to six books and collecting stickers/prizes each time they visited the Library. The Library also open its doors to Science Oxford on 29th July and 33 children enjoyed “The Science of Magic Show”. A Robots & Gadgets workshop, held as part of Oxfordshire Libraries’ Digital Summer, was also popular.
In a busy summer term members finished off the latest art project which can now be seen in the village. (Photo). We also enjoyed an art lesson with Pip Shuckburgh learning how to draw and paint faces. There have been some interesting talks and slide shows on New Zealand, a talk by Harriet Bray and Orla Powell about their trip as volunteers to an African orphanage. We had visits from Colin Davis our local PCSO and there were Horse and Carriage Rides and a delicious Cream Tea at Friars court. The term was finished off with a sing along concert by CODY who entertained us all.
New and Exciting Learning Opportunities at Bampton CE Primary School and Nursery
We are inviting you, our community stakeholders, to submit your ideas for something to bring a new WOW factor to our school on the site of the old swimming pool.
We want something that will:
· ignite a passion for learning
· provide an inspiring learning space for all ages
· enrich the curriculum provision we offer to our children
If you have any suggestions please email them to:
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