In a busy summer term members finished off the latest art project which can now be seen in the village. (Photo). We also enjoyed an art lesson with Pip Shuckburgh learning how to draw and paint faces. There have been some interesting talks and slide shows on New Zealand, a talk by Harriet Bray and Orla Powell about their trip as volunteers to an African orphanage. We had visits from Colin Davis our local PCSO and there were Horse and Carriage Rides and a delicious Cream Tea at Friars court. The term was finished off with a sing along concert by CODY who entertained us all.
We have also enjoyed a very interesting morning with Richard Marfell who talked about the importance of water and hydration and how it affects health and members joined in an exercise class with Richard! There was a Seated Yoga Class and everyone enjoyed our regular visit from pupils at Bampton school.
The Autumn term has started with equal excitement. We held a wonderful Jazz & Coffee morning giving a send off to Jo Lewington and Jenny Jenkins who are standing down as volunteers after many years. Huge thanks to you both for all your help and support. In September we had a special VIP trip to see the Downton Abbey Film enjoyed by around 40 members and helpers.
Recently we have started work on the next art project which is a giant mosaic/collage after a lesson from Merlin Porter. We will be working on this over the next term. Coming up we have some more Singers and performances from Scottish Dancers, Baby Ballet and the local hand bell ringers and much more besides.
The Bush Club is a busy, flourishing social and lunch club open to anyone of any age locally to enjoy a bit of friendly company, a coffee and chat and a fantastic home-cooked lunch.
It’s open on Wednesdays during school terms from 9.45 am - 1.30pm with coffee/tea on arrival, some lively entertainment then a freshly cooked two course lunch is served. All this for a very small charge, currently just £4 per week. Another cuppa and raffle follows lunch.
We welcome anyone wishing to join us. If you find yourself a little isolated or lonely or stuck at home for any reason why not join us on a Wednesday? You don’t have to commit to every week. We do ask that members must be able to cope with their own personal needs.
Free transport is available for Bampton residents if required. There’s a programme of interesting talks and activities that runs every week and we have a podiatrist who comes every six weeks.
The Bush Centre is run by an army of volunteers and more helpers are always welcome. It is great fun and very rewarding. If you or anyone you know has some spare time and would like to volunteer for any of the following roles please get in touch:-
Once or twice a month, either morning or afternoon.
Normally assist on alternate weeks 9am – 1.30pm.
Approximately once a month 10am – 1pm.
Approximately once a month 10am – 1pm.
Alternate weeks 12 noon – 1.30pm.
We are limited to a maximum of 40 people but there are a few places available right now so if you are interested in coming along please contact Sally Proctor on 01993 850479.